Ballet For All, London

Ballet for All was “not a repertory ballet company in any ordinary sense but an ambulant, illustrated lecture on balletic history, a blend of entertainment with pedagogy.” (James Monahan, British Ballet Today, Stellar press, Hertfordshire, 1980) As such it was well-suited to David’s style. It was, according to him, a surprisingly successful touring company owned by the Royal Ballet.

He was offered the Artistic Directorship as his performing career with the Royal Ballet was closing. The opportunity excited him and he threw himself into preparation; recruiting dancers, digging costumes and sets out of the Royal Ballet’s storerooms and, naturally, choreographing.

As Artistic Director, David would stage the Tchaikovsky Gala. Despite the company’s success, it was apparently used as a cash cow by the mother ship. Disgusted with this lack of respect, David soon moved on.

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